World Building

Sometimes when my partner comes home
And has to let himself in
He’ll ask,
“Why was the door locked?”
And I don’t know what to say. 

Because I’m woman? Because I was home alone, and that’s what you do;
You walk with your keys unsheathed
And you never leave your drink, or visit the bathroom, alone
And when you’re home you lock the front door
(And the windows, if you’re paranoid, which is to say, smart)

And I wonder what it would be like to walk through a world I belong in,
Where the desks and the chairs and the cars and the laws
and even medicines
Were built for people like me,
And I was right until proven otherwise
And it never occurred to me it might take more than my word
To keep someone out of my house. 

But then I remember  
I might be a woman, but I am a WHITE woman
And this world was built for people like me
And I can walk through a store un-tailed
And when my preschooler escaped a waiting room and someone called the cops
I got to take him home with me

And that is why Justice for all
Has to mean ALL
Because as long as I hold more than my fair share of privilege
Someone else is cheated. 

Life isn’t fair,
But what if it should be?

Can we have a world built for everyone?

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