Tears Tonight

The waters are rough tonight…

No One Can Ever Make You Feel That Way Again

You know better now. It came to me the other night, as all the best thoughts do, while I was drifting between waking and sleep. I am so afraid of the feelings of unworthiness, of being unloved and unwanted, that I often hide in my shell, refusing to take chances. But the truth is that…

Moving Beyond Triggers

The trigger isn’t the trauma. For example, a veteran with PTSD might be triggered by loud noises. We understand that the loud noises are associated with the trauma of experiencing a battle or surviving an attack. But the loud noises are not what actually caused the damage; they are just something the brain has associated…

Butterscotch Memories

The first time I tasted butterscotch I was at my best friend, J’s, house. Her mom had let us make cookies, and instead of chocolate chips we added butterscotch ones. For me, it was love at first taste. Like everything else about J’s house, butterscotch was warmly comforting and slightly exotic. As the oldest of…